Blog: Social networking sites

The four out of many social networking sites I use today includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Here I will give some functions, feedback and first impression of each social networking site. My first ever social media was Facebook which was created in high school and I consider myself to be pretty late in using social media because I was always told about the cons of social media. Facebook is a very user friendly networking site that is my main form of keeping in contact with friends. It is also very convenient because Facebook updates me about current events and keep me up to date on things I like/follow. Twitter on the other hand, is my most recent social networking site I started to use and I don't really like how it works. Maybe I'm just not used to it's functions, but I don't find this site to be user friendly at all. For example, isn't reply and retweet the same thing? Is reply more like commenting while retweet more like sharing the tweet? I am still learning how it works and if anyone can help me with that, please comment and let me know how it works. LinkedIn and Instagram I created about the same time when I first started college. In my opinion, Instagram is more for personal use and has a certain theme while LinkedIn is used more professionally based on interests. Don't get me wrong, Instagram can also be used professionally! I mainly use Instagram to follow some friends and celebrities to get ideas how to dress/style myself better and just to enjoy the aesthetic photos. I also noticed a lot of celebrities who use Instagram professionally by putting their manager information for those who want to reach out and collaborate together. Although a lot of users have a theme for their Instagram, I personally just post about good food/places and whenever I hit PRs (Personal Records) at the gym. Overall Instagram is pretty user friendly, but there are still functions I'm sure I'm missing out on. LinkedIn seems a lot more professional in terms that seem to only apply to finding a job. I mainly use it to brand myself and put myself out there for job opportunities and to update my experiences and skills acquired over time. LinkedIn is also a bit confusing to use to me, but probably just because I don't use it as much as I wanted to. In order of my favorite to least favorite respectively, it would be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Comment and let me know what your favorite to least favorite social networking sites are!


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