Blog: Privacy

With the rise of social media and network platforms, there is practically no privacy and confidentiality. Everyone today especially the innocent naive users post everything they do online thinking only their friends and families could see it. Little did they know anyone that is slightly better with computers can find out what they posted at ease if they wanted to. People post things like pictures, comments, identity information (I do not know why people would ever do that). They are the prey to the cyber attackers out in the Internet world and can actually harm them in real life, such has stalkers.

Not only is there hackers and other criminals out there going through people's information. There is also the government that spies on everyone to see if people are up to no good. This is indeed supposed to be in good intention, but it does not stop the fact that they are invading people's privacy.

There are also big corporations and other jobs opportunities that look at people's social media and if they find anything they dislike, that person's job position might become insecure. Therefore, people should keep in mind what they post as it can be used against them in the future. And people should know whatever they post online will stay online.


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