Blog: P2P

File sharing is what it sounds like, sharing files or transmitting files via networks or Internet. P2P file sharing is peer-to-peer file sharing through a sharing file software that is connected to other networks. P2P has a lot of benefits including saving lots of money by downloading files that you otherwise have to pay for yourself. People should take advantage of P2P file sharing as mentioned in "Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it" by King.

I agree people should take advantage of P2P file sharing, but should definitely be careful when doing so. This is because all files are shared by other users and have a chance of having viruses and other issues. I have used P2P file sharing in the past and have had bad experiences. I was an inexperienced user back in elementary school and I was introduced by a friend to use LimeWire to download music, as a result it was indeed very convenient but I found out later to have a lot of viruses on my computer. It was later found out to be cause of the files I downloaded from LimeWire. Other P2P file sharing includes Pirate Bay, BitTorrent, Digg, Slashdot, BoingBoing as mentioned by King and by Thompson in "The BitTorrent Effect".


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